ET-2023-100-Lowenburg_Gerolstein, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz

Hiking experience

Hiking in the Gerolsteiner Land is enjoyment at every turn. A dense network of award-winning and seamlessly marked trails guarantee an exceptional hiking experience for the whole family.

Consideration when hiking

Some paths are open to cyclists and hikers and accidents can only be avoided with mutual consideration. Stay on the marked hiking trails and do not try to take shortcuts. Many people have already lost their way. Moreover, it is detrimental to nature if you trample down the vegetation. Do not dig up plants to take them with you. Try not to touch wild animals and pay attention to the notices for bans on noise and time.

This protects, for example, the breeding areas of birds or other animals. Do not leave rubbish in nature - put a rubbish bag in your rucksack and dispose of your rubbish properly.

Please show respect for nature.

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