Adler & Wolfspark Kasselburg, Pelm, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz

Animal experiences in the Gerolsteiner Land

Animal lovers watch out!

In the Gerolsteiner Land you will find great activities around donkeys, goats, pony and alpaca. You get very close to your furry friends. Or are you looking for a little more action? Here you can also admire dangerous wolves and birds of prey from up close. Here is something for everyone!

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Experiences with animals are always something very special and make children's eyes shine. Here you will find everything about eagles, donkeys, wolves and horses.

Wandern mit Hund, © Nicole Baller/TW Gerolsteiner Land GmbH

Holiday with your dog

Are you travelling with your dog and looking for tips and tricks? Here you will find everything on the subject of "Holidays with your dog".

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