Birresborner Eishöhlen, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH Dominik Ketz


Are you interested in mystical caves? Our holiday region has a few to offer!

Exploring the numerous ice and millstone caves in the Gerolsteiner Land adventure region is dark, partly eerie and in any case adventurous.

For centuries, the basalt of the volcanic Eifel was suitable for the production of millstones, which were used in paper and tan mills, but also in grain and oil mills. The sweaty mining of the millstones created today's cave labyrinths, in which icicles of astonishing size still form in particularly cold winters.

All the caves are freely accessible to visitors. However, some caves are closed in winter because bats spend their hibernation here.
To explore the caves, be sure to bring a torch and wear a helmet.

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