Eifelsteig-2019-137-Bolsdorfer Tälchen, Hillesheim © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz
  • Distance: 14 km
  • Duration: 3:45 h
  • Difficulty: medium

Kylltal Hike


A beautiful circular walk from the Hillesheim Tourist Information Centre through the Kyll valley and via the Heimatblick vantage point above Niederbettingen on the ÖWW6 of the Eifelverein.

We start this interesting hike at the Hillesheim Tourist Information. Through the Bolsdorfer Tälchen recreation area, past the barefoot path, we walk across open fields towards Niederbettingen. A small wooden bridge leads us across the Kyll and soon we reach the Trier-Köln railway line and the K47 district road, both of which have to be crossed. After a few hundred metres, the path goes slightly uphill and we reach the point of the hike with probably the most beautiful view of the Kyll valley and the church in Niederbettingen. Along the barbecue hut, the trail now goes downhill past two Aussiedeler farms to Niederbettingen. A short stop at the church there is recommended. Over small bridges we cross the K47 and then the Kyll and continue towards Bolsdorf. Here we come across the "Little Museum". We keep to the path markings and walk through another piece of beautiful Eifel landscape back through the Bolsdorf valley to Hillesheim.

Tip: The renovated parish church Herz-Jesu,Niederbettingen, dominates in its dimensions the view of the village and also that of the Kyll valley in this area.

Note: The route is not barrier-free.


Here you can find a video of the hike

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  • kylltal-runde
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More information about this route

Start: Tourist-Information Hillesheim

Destination: Tourist-Information Hillesheim

Distance: 14 km

Duration: 3:45 h

Difficulty: medium

Ascent: 205 m

Descent: 205 m

Touristik GmbH Gerolsteiner Land

Burgstraße 6
54576 Hillesheim
Phone: 06591-13 3000

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