Stauseerunde (Reservoir tour)


Experience a varied hike between Gerolstein and its districts Müllenborn and Roth. Beautiful views guaranteed!

On the green outskirts of Gerolstein you can let your soul dangle. Start and finish is at the Gerolstein reservoir, which we leave in a northerly direction. We follow the path markings up through extensive fields and small woodland parcels, past the Heimatpfad with the gigantic earth-historical clock. Between Müllenborn and Roth, the volcanic cone Rother Kopf, with a considerable height of 566 m, rises up from the landscape. This is a typical basaltic Eifel volcano. The porous, slaggy basalt was the best raw material for the production of millstones from Roman times until the 19th century. The millstones were mined in underground galleries, and numerous millstones are still "stuck" to the cave walls today. For a long time, these were also used as "ice caves"; at the Aachen Congress in 1818, the princes and bishops sucked Roth's cave ice! The cool, allergen-free air in the cave is a blessing on hot summer days, enjoy the "cave sanatorium en miniature"! The millstone and ice caves of the Rother Kopf can be visited all year round. If you have a torch with you, you can dive into the caves and experience a breathtaking atmosphere. We follow the path markings and reach the summit of the Rother Kopf, where we enjoy a fantastic view over the Oosbach valley at an altitude of 566 m. Afterwards we start the way back. We follow the trail markings down into the valley. Passing the upper outskirts of Müllenborn, we return to the Gerolstein reservoir, where we can relax again at the end of the hike.


You can find a video of the hike here

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  • stauseerunde
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More information about this route

Start: Stausee Gerolstein

Destination: Stausee Gerolstein

Distance: 9.2 km

Duration: 2:30 h

Difficulty: medium

Ascent: 182 m

Descent: 182 m

Touristik GmbH Gerolsteiner Land

Burgstraße 6
54576 Hillesheim
Phone: 06591 13 3000

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