  • Distance: 6.6 km
  • Duration: 2:0 h
  • Difficulty: medium

Quellenpfad (Springs Path)


A varied hike around the Ooser Nase near Müllenborn. Enjoy the tour through deep Eifel forests, past springs and the meandering Oosbach stream.

The hike begins at the Müllenborn pond and from there you climb upwards around the Ooser Nase. Everywhere you encounter the remains of the volcanic past. Huge boulders from the Rother Kopf volcano, which rises on the opposite side, are scattered all over the forest.  After leaving the forest, you have a view of Büdesheim, which lies in a wide valley on the eastern edge of the Prümer limestone syncline. You hike around the village of Oos and along the Oosbach stream back to Müllenborn. A special feature are the karst springs that bubble up in and around Müllenborn in the valley of the wild and romantic Oosbach. The strong springs were already used to drive mills in the early Middle Ages, which is how the village got its name. Müllenborn once had five mills, which were not primarily flour mills, however, but were used for wood and iron processing. A beautiful hike, which on the one hand offers a wonderful walk through the forest, but also beautiful panoramic views.


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More information about this route


Parkplatz am Müllenborner See, 54568 Müllenborn


Parkplatz am Müllenborner See, 54568 Müllenborn

Distance: 6.6 km

Duration: 2:0 h

Difficulty: medium

Ascent: 154 m

Descent: 154 m

Touristik GmbH Gerolsteiner Land

Burgstraße 6
54576 Hillesheim
Phone: 06591-13 3000

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