Rapsfelder Steffeln (c) Touristik GmbH Gerolsteiner Land, Leonie Post, © Touristik GmbH Gerolsteiner Land
  • Distance: 5.6 km
  • Duration: 1:30 h

Steffeln-Auel Route


Ascent to the Steffelberg with a fantastic panoramic view of Steffeln and the West Sifel volcanic mountains. On the Killenberg, you can gain an insight into a Roman-medieval quarry.

The volcano garden is also located near Steffeln. The inner workings of the volcanoes can be experienced in a particularly impressive way in the Steffeln volcano garden. The quarrying of the Steffelberg exposed the layers in the volcanic crater that were formed during the eruptions.

Our tip: Visit the Wahlhausen Chapel in Steffeln and enjoy the view from here.

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Marking of the tour:

  • Steffeln-Auel-Tour neu, © Touristik GmbH Gerolsteiner Land
pdf: de-steffeln-auel-rundegpx: t804149788_steffeln-auel runde

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More information about this route


Steffeln community centre, Lindenstrasse, 54597 Steffeln


Steffeln community centre, Lindenstrasse, 54597 Steffeln

Distance: 5.6 km

Duration: 1:30 h

Ascent: 117 m

Descent: 117 m

Touristik GmbH Gerolsteiner Land

Burgstraße 6
54576 Hillesheim
Phone: 06591 13 3000

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